
Good morning.
Did you know that healing reveals the character of God?
God can only be known through revelation. Healing can be seen as a revelation of God. It reveals God to us, it shows us His character and nature. It reveals what God is really like, His personality in much the same way that you can look at nature and see God reflected in it, or look at Jesus and see a revelation of God. When God moves in healing, He is ,in effect, acting and holding back the laws of earthly nature and acting directly in the affairs of man to brings about change. Healing shows the closeness of God, His immanence and activity in our lives.
Healings revel something about the character of God; in fact one of the titles of God is Jehovah-Rophi; the Lord, The Physician. Furthermore we read ‘I AM the Lord that heals you’ (Exodus 15.26). He heals all our diseases (Psalm 103.3). Heals the broken hearted (Psalm 147.3). By his strips we are healed (1 Peter 2.24). God is a healer; it is part of His character, it is who He is , an unchanging God who makes His presence known with healing. Healing is so much a part of who God is that you can’t separate the act of healing from essence of God.
The New Testament shows the Jehovah-Rophi more in-depth in the person of Jesus. Healing was an essential part of Jesus ministry, he healed all who came to Him. It was within the Gospels that Jesus declared Himself as the Divine Physician, ‘those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick (Matthew 9.9-13).
Healing is not only part of who God is, it is also a promise found within scripture; the physician promises to heal. Throughout the Bible there is a track record of God keeping the promise to heal. The promises in the Bible are not ambiguous and only for those historical settings but hold great clarity and are relevant for you today. They held great clarity so that we can look and see that God is a God who keeps His promises. In fact God watches over His word. Nowhere in scripture does God counteract or go back on His healing promises.
So therefore, we can know with full certainty and clarity that God keeps promises. So bring yourself under the promises of God for your healing and stand on them, just as you do  with other promises such as those for salvation and the power of the cross, because you are actively bringing yourself into agreement with what God has said about your life.
Tomorrow we will look at why God heals.