
Over the last two days we have been looking at how to pray for the sick. Today we are going to look at who are the sort of people that pray for the sick and move in healing?
So, Who is the sort of Christian who moves in healing?
The answer is YOU!
The purpose of these blogs and the issues and methods discussed in them are  so that YOU can move in healing. They are not written for the spiritually elite, but for the normal Christian.
I want to de-spiritualise the supernatural and explain how healing works with other gifts of the spirit and how that in turns affects you, so that it builds faith in YOU moving in healing.
Christians who move in the spiritual office of an apostle, prophet and evangelist are often move in healing.  For them it is all part of the same package, you can’t separate healing from those offices.
Christians that don’t move in a spiritual office, also move in healing. That means that YOU can move in healing. Often churches have left the healing gift to people who operate in a spiritual office and haven’t built it into the normal fabric of church life. The result is that if you want someone healed; go to a ‘healing event’ or a big crusade. These gatherings have a place but sometimes healing gets removed from normal fellowship. Healing needs to be ‘earthed’ into the normal fabric of church life.
So, this is why YOU can move in healing;
Because Jesus commanded you to.
 ‘he called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.’ Matthew 10.1
 ‘And these signs will accompany those who believe; in my name…… they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.’ Mark 16.17-18
We are told to lay hands on the sick and see them healed. The only condition for you to move in healing on an ongoing basis is to be a follower of Jesus. If you are a follower of Jesus then you can move in healing! It is as simple as that. Every Christian is called to move in healing, not just some; every Christian. Every Christian is to be filled with the Holy Spirit, every Christian is to prophecy, every Christian is to speak in tongues, and every Christian is to lay hands on the sick and see them healed. That is normal Christianity. You don’t need to be special or highly gifted to pray for the sick; it is the privilege of every single Christian.