
Good morning.
Yesterday we looked at the type of people who move in healing and we discovered that WE  are that type of person. Today we are going to continue this theme.
So, because you can pray for the sick and you have been called by God then nothing disqualifies you from praying for the sick. No matter what you think about yourself nothing disqualifies us : whether it is habitual sin, habits, addictions, we don’t read the Bible enough, don’t pray enough, don’t go to church enough, haven’t led enough people to God, Forget being too young, too old, only been a Christian for a few days, been a Christian all your life and never seen anyone healed, you can come up with a thousand excuses as to why you can’t move in healing. The only thing that is stopping you from moving in healing are the limitations you place on yourself. God is not controlled by your circumstances no matter what they are .
God uses imperfect people; you don’t have to be perfect to pray for the sick. It doesn’t matter what other people say about you or how other people try and box you in, it only matters what God says about you and He says YOU can lay your hands on the sick and see them healed. It is never about you but about God anyway and He places no limits on you, He calls you by name, He chooses you.
Some people seem to think that you have to be perfect in order to be used by God. Some people think that if God does use you and you then fall into sin, you must have been a false teacher. But if you want more prove that God can use you despite your circumstances what about some of these people;
  • ¬ Noah got drunk.
  • ¬ Abraham was old.
  • ¬ Jacob was a liar.
  • ¬ Joseph was rejected and thrown into prison.
  • ¬ Moses was a murder and couldn’t speak well.
  • ¬ Gideon was fearful.
  • ¬ Rahab was a prostitute.
  • ¬ David had an affair and conspired in a murder.
  • ¬ Jonah ran from God.
  • ¬ Peter denied Jesus.
  • ¬ Paul was responsible to persecuting thousands of Christians.
….And then there is you. You are not perfect, you make mistakes, you have a lot of stress issues going on, now is not a good time for you, but despite that YOU have been called by God to lay YOUR hands on the sick and see them healed.