glorious doveGood morning.
Let’s continue the theme of exploring how healing works in relationship to the prophetic. Words of knowledge for healing have an important role to play for both healing and the prophetic. Words of knowledge for healing play a number of important roles.
Firstly, if a word of knowledge is given regarding a sickness with additional detail about the sicknesses, it then builds faith in the person who needs the healing. They feel like God is singling them out to be healed and that creates faith in them. It makes healing flow more easily into them.
Secondly, when people see that person healed as a result of the word of knowledge it releases a wave of faith into the room for other people to get healed. In earlier blogs we have already talked about the importance that faith plays in healing.
Thirdly, and I see this as being really important, it gives an indication where God is moving in terms of healing. Words of knowledge can sometimes be a breakout word for the healing anointing to flow not just to that one person but for others.
If for example, the word of knowledge was based around a bad left leg that has been in that condition for four years following  a car crash for example, it was accurate and someone responded to that word and got healed, that would do and show four things.
1) God is moving in healing. Other people can get in on that and it also shows where God is specifically moving; legs.
2) It builds faith for people who also have bad legs, especially a left leg.
3) People who have been ill for four years could also suddenly get in on it.
4) Any car crash related injuries on other people could also be healed.
So giving out words of knowledge for healing is very important, they are not just for one person but can be used as a catalyst for other healing to break out. So, I hope you are starting to see how the prophetic and healing can flow into one another.
Tomorrow we will look at how to move deeper in words of knowledge for healing.