Day 2

Good morning.

Yesterday I wrote about the rainbows of God and today I would like to continue this theme. God in Genesis 6-8 flooded the Earth killing off the inhabitance. In Genesis 9 God created the first rainbow and placed it in the sky as a promise not just to Noah but also mankind that He will not flood the earth again.

And God said, ‘This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you….I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth

This rainbow tells us a lot about the character of God; it tells every human on this planet in a very tangible way that God makes and keeps promises and that His character is trustworthy. Every time we see a rainbow in the sky we know that we can trust God to keep His promises. Promises not just regarding a flood, but promises regarding salvation, the power of the cross, healing and more. The rainbow lets you know that He will never let you down.

Throughout the Bible there is a track record of God keeping promises. All the promises regarding the coming of Jesus and His life were all fulfilled. The Old Testament itself is a record of promises to Patriarchs, Kings, Prophets, Israel and the world. All God’s promises in the Bible are stated in clear simple terminology. They were not ambiguous but held great clarity. They held great clarity so that we can look and see that God is a God who keeps His promises. In fact God watches over His word. Nowhere in scripture does God counteract or go back on His promises.

So therefore, we can know with full certainty and clarity that God keeps promises. The words and promises that God has personally spoken over your life and over your situation will be fulfilled. Even in those darkest moments when you feel like even God has abandoned you and taken back His promises; you can know in absolute certainty that He is true to His word and that He speaks promises into your life, to shape you to build you into the person you were created to be. He has good, fantastic things planed for your life; great promises and even if you can’t see them yet, the Bible shows us that He has a great track recorded for keeping His word.

Just look at the rainbow as real evidence for that.