Honour – Honour and Government

How can you respect a government that you don’t like? Do you have to be a Royalist to Honour the Queen? Does it really matter how fast you drive? Does a Christian have to obey every law? What does it mean to “turn the other cheek?” Here’s a...

Honour – Honour in the Family ( also Fathers’ Day )

Family! The most complex of all relationships! You can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family! What exactly is a family? 2.5 kids and a Golden Labrador? Do we still have to honour parents who haven’t honoured us? Is family like a pyramid with...

Honour – Honour in Relationships

 Relationships are the most precious things we have in life How do we maintain them successfully? Does the Bible have anything to say about how to navigate this complicated territory? Come and join us as we explore the secrets of life-long...

Honour – Developing a Culture of Honour

Honouring One Another You’re unique and valuable! So are the people you interact with daily. Is it possible to develop a community that overflows with respect and courtesy? At Oasis we believe that it is. We’re human and we don’t always get it right...