Oasis Around the World
Oasis is a ‘ House of Prayer for all Nations’ with a heart to see every people and language group being reached with the love of God.
Teams make regular visits to India, the Philippines, and Bangladesh and through Rick and Gilly Reilly Davidson, who lead Mustard Seed Ministries; we reach out to other nations including Brazil and Haiti. Rick and Gilly are resident in India for 6 months of the year.
Regular fund raising events take place at Oasis to support the works that we have built relationships with in these places over the years and our aim isn’t to plant an ‘Oasis Flag’ in any of these places but to encourage and strengthen those who are doing a wonderful job there already. Stephen has a heart for Pastors and church leaders in particular in these nations and travels regularly to take seminars to do just this.
Our links with India date back to 1994 when Stephen first visited Bangalore and Madras.
Our relationships with Pastor Lawrence and his church and family in Bangalore still remain strong as do those with Rosie and Joseph Jebukumar who run an orphanage near Chennai.
Friendships that have grown since those early days have been with Uday and Aneela Rao in Mumbai and Pastor Satish in Masthi near Bangalore.
More recently Oasis has begun to work with pastors in Andra Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha and Yanam, offering teaching and care to about 90 pastors and leaders.
The Philippines and Bangladesh
Oasis continues to have strong links with the Philippines and Bangladesh.
Mustard Seed Ministries
Mustard Seed Ministries – the missions wing of Oasis was founded by Rick and Gilly Reilly Davidson who have been part of Oasis Church for many years. Gilly continues to head up the charity and all of the trustees are members of Oasis Church. Mustard Seed Ministries are recognised by the Elim Pentecostal Church and we channel all of our missions giving through them. Oasis sees Mustard Seed Ministries as flowing out of Oasis but MSM is supported from a much wider base than just Oasis.
Please follow the links to their website for more information. https://www.msn.org.uk