I Declare – About My Future Sunday 14th July 11 am

God has fantastic plans for you ! Every morning gives Him a fresh opportunity to bless you! A life entrusted into His loving hands is a life lived to the full! Come and learn how to approach life with faith and not fear!

Honour – Honour and Government

How can you respect a government that you don’t like? Do you have to be a Royalist to Honour the Queen? Does it really matter how fast you drive? Does a Christian have to obey every law? What does it mean to “turn the other cheek?” Here’s a...

Honour – Honour in the Family ( also Fathers’ Day )

Family! The most complex of all relationships! You can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family! What exactly is a family? 2.5 kids and a Golden Labrador? Do we still have to honour parents who haven’t honoured us? Is family like a pyramid with...