
Coming Soon “The Pastoral”

2016 is a year of mobilisation for Oasis when we are seeking to draw out the prophetic,evangelistic,pastoral and teaching gifts among us. Coming soon "The Pastoral" How can we be the caring community God wants us to be? Sundays from 4th September until 2nd October at...

The Promises of God (Day Seven)

Hello. Today is the last blog. I don’t know what promises God has given you; a car? a house or flat? a job? a husband or wife? children? A calling or a vision for something? Or you may have been reading these blogs and been thinking to yourself ‘God has never given me...

The Promises Of God (Day Six)

Heaven is full of promises ready to be spoken over your life, ready to come down into your life; our role is to see manifest on earth what is in heaven. Heaven is not just a future existence for when you die, but its realities, existence and power is for your life...

The Promises Of God ( Day Five)

Good Morning. We have been looking at the promises God has spoken over your life. We have been looking at colours that make- up that those promises, but there are also unseen colours. In the normal rainbow God put in colours that we are unable to see with the human...

The Promises Of God ( Day Four)

  Hello. We read yesterday about the colour of God’s promises,    today we are going to explore that a little more in-      depth. Your life radiates the promises of God. Every single    one of them. There are general promises over you such   as salvation and...

The Promises Of God (Day Three)

Hello. Did you know there are rainbows over your life? Rainbows flowing down out of heaven and into you; into your future and shaping it. Your future is being shaped by the promises of God, the promises that he has spoken into your life and future and is moulding it...

The Promises Of God (Day Two)

Good morning. Yesterday I wrote about the rainbows of God and today I would like to continue this theme. God in Genesis 6-8 flooded the Earth killing off the inhabitance. In Genesis 9 God created the first rainbow and placed it in the sky as a promise not just to Noah...

The Promises of God (Day One)

  Hello. For the next week I am going to  be writing about the promises of God  that can be brought down into your  life. I would like to start these blogs by  telling you a story. Early last year I was  alone praying in my bedroom when I  looked and saw glimpses...


Good morning. Today we finish our 31 day journey on healing. There is only so much that short blogs can cover, but I hope they have been of use to you. Throughout these blogs we have studied poor theological misconceptions and understandings on healing and praying for...